We Believe in The Power of Communication and Collaboration
PMT Refinery had a media production day. The company has recently decided to invest in regional media to expand the reach to potential customers. The initiative opens a collaboration field between the precious metals and the regional media industry, creating a positive economic impact for the region.
The project was tailored and developed by PMT Refinery Marketing Manager Victoria Arellano and aims to present the refinery and the buying and selling services to Queensland suppliers and customers.
The main goal is to inform the audience that PMT Refinery works to provide products and services that meet international standards and is strategically located between Brisbane and the Gold Coast. The company stands for transparency, fair and quick turnaround time.
PMT worked along with Australian talent and production. The decision to venture into the regional media landscape shows the dedication to engaging with a wider audience seeking to solidify their position as a trustworthy and versatile partner in the precious metal industry.