PMT Refinery's Green Vision
PMT Refinery is committed to reducing the impact of our refining practices. Our facilities are equipped with machinery that minimise the impact to the environment.
Acid Fumes Treatment
Our refining facilities are equipped with a 3 stage of scrubbing system that neutralises, every volatile acid substance including:
– Sulfur Oxides (SOx)
– Nitrogen Oxides (N0x)
– Hydrochloric Acid (HCl)

Smelting Fumes
During the melting and incineration phases, the fumes pass through a post burner to break down dioxins and hydrochloric acid and subsequently through sleeve filters to capture fine dust.
Water Treatment
Once the absence of precious metals has been verified, the refining waters are treated to recover all the base metals including copper, zinc, iron, lead, cadmium, etc. While the water free of any metal is decalcified and reused again within the factory as industrial water.
PMT Refinery Supports Orangutan Foundation International
The most important thing for PMT Refinery is to deliver outstanding service while looking for ways to reduce the impact of our refining practices on the environment and the mining’s impact on nature. How do we do that?
From the refining practices point of view, PMT Refinery ensures that every volatile acid substance is neutralised with our Acid Fumes Treatment, by capturing the fine dust produced during the melting and incineration phases and the Water Treatment to reuse the water within the factory as industrial water.
At PMT Refinery, we believe there are many different ways to restore the environment, and unfortunately, some industries have negatively impacted diverse ecosystems in the world.
Since 2018, PMT Refinery has collaborated with the Orangutan Foundation International Australia to contribute to our world. Orangutans, since 2016, have been assessed as a CR Critically Endangered species. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), mining practices are one of the many threats to these mammals.
To demonstrate to our suppliers and customers our commitment to environmental responsibility, transparency, and correctness PMT Refinery has been assessed and certified with the International Standard, Environmental Management Systems for Gold and Silver Suppliers and Refiners and Laboratory Services, ISO 14001:2015.